Elephant hunt at Balule was lawful, should be seen in context of regulations governing sustainable resource use
Elephant hunt at Balule was lawful, should be seen in context of regulations governing sustainable resource use
Read MoreBeroepsjagters in SA geniet nou dekking vir noodontruiming
Beroepsjagters in SA geniet nou dekking vir noodontruiming Die Custodians of Professional Hunting and Conservation South Africa en SATIB Versekeringsmakelaars het onlangs ʼn ooreenkoms gesluit waarvolgens mediese noodontruiming as ʼn eksklusiewe voordeel aan professionele jagters met lidmaatskap by Custodians. Die ooreenkoms sluit toegang in tot SATIB24 Crisis Call aan Custodians lede en hulle personeel met…
Read MoreEmergency medical evacuation cover for professional hunters a first for South Africa
Emergency medical evacuation cover for professional hunters a first for South Africa The Custodians of Professional Hunting and Conservation – South Africa and SATIB Insurance Brokers, recently reached an agreement to offer emergency medical evacuation insurance as part of an exclusive membership benefit to professional hunters that are members of the Custodians. This agreement includes…
CPHC-SA members elected and confirmed the CPHC-SA Executive Committee members at their annual general meeting held in Morgan Bay, Eastern Cape on 25 November 2022, where the appointment of a Chief Executive Officer was also announced. The appointments are effective 25 November 2022 for a two-year period, unless otherwise stipulated. CPHC-SA welcomes the EXCO members…
Read MoreCPHC-SA welcomes Minister Creecy’s release of her recommendations of the High-Level Panel report.
Custodians of Professional Hunting and Conservation SA (CPHC-SA) welcomes Minister Creecy’s release of her recommendations of the High-Level Panel report. It appears that the processes followed by the HLP were thorough with detailed inputs received and evaluated from many different organizations, associations, individuals and governmental departments both locally and abroad. It is clear from the…
The Department of Environmental Affairs published the Regulations and Lists on Alien and Invasive Species on the 01 August 2014. These came into effect on 1 October 2014. Any landowner, occupier of land or any person in control of a listed category 1a, 1b and 3 invasive species must prevent the escape and spread of the species,…
Read MoreImplementation of rhino horn trade legislation
To inform stakeholders of the regulatory measures relating to trade in rhino horn, developed in terms of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004) (NEMBA). The domestic trade in rhino horn was prohibited by notice in the Gazette on 13 February 2009 (set aside by the High Court of South Africa…
Read MoreWater Usage in Hunting Safari Camps
The tourism industry across the world requires water for basic human consumption, irrigation of gardens and golf courses, preparation of food and drinks, making snow for winter sports and general water activities such as swimming or motorised water sports (Gössling et al. 2012). Tourism and more specifically wildlife tourism is a major source of income…
As you all know by now, firearm amnesty for illegal firearms in terms of section 139 of the Firearms Control Act, 2000 (Act no. 60 of 2000), has been promulgated to run from the 1st of December 2019 to 31 May 2020. This application matter was initially postponed by the High Court in December 2019…
Read MoreIntroduction: CPHC-SA PH Apprentice Program
Introduction: CPHC-SA PH Apprentice ProgramIf you’re passionate about hunting, wildlife and wild places why not consider kick-starting your career with CPHC-SA’s PH apprentice program.We are on the search for talented, passionate and enthusiastic individuals who are ready to experience the privilege of working with our members as they ply their trade in the world of…
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